
Sensitization Workshop

In collaboration with the Union of Informal Worker Associations (UNIWA) of TUC (Ghana), we organized series of workshops – on 6th, 9th, and 10th April 2021 - to sensitize UNIWA members on how to operate their businesses in a COVID-19 environment with emphasis on adherence to safety protocols.

In collaboration with the Union of Informal Worker Associations (UNIWA) of TUC (Ghana), we organized series of workshops – on 6th, 9th, and 10th April 2021 - to sensitize UNIWA members on how to operate their businesses in a COVID-19 environment with emphasis on adherence to safety protocols.

Further, we engaged on how their businesses could thrive in a COVID-19 environment with a particular focus on the impact COVID-19 has had on their businesses. In all, over 200 UNIWA members attended the workshops from all twenty-three (23) affiliated associations and unions.

Finally, the executives of UNIWA took the opportunity to engage with their members on membership duties and responsibilities as enshrined in the UNIWA constitution; and discussed welfare packages proposed by UNIWA’s Welfare committee for all members.

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P.O. Box 9722, KIA

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